
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Zeno's Paradox

This post is a longer comment on this YouTube clip

At 6:50 the professor litterally says:And yes, it is possible to add infinitely many numbers that will equal to one.
If this professor imagines being immortal he would litterally say: And yes, it is possible to add infinitely many days to my life that will equal to an endresult that i can check, analyse and tell you all about it.
But if the rest of the world imagines being immortal they know they will never reach the so called endresult of the professor because they will just live from one day to the next without ever stopping to do just that.
And this explains why most professors in mathematics teach lies.
Situation A:If the future is infinite and we are immortal then we will never reach the end of this infinite sequence and then we will never be able to check and analyse the result of this infinite sequence at its end.
Situation B:If one second is the endresult of the infinite sum of half the time of what remains, then the end of an infinite sequence will be reached so that we can check the result of the sum at its end.
Situation A is about the big infinity that everybody understands and situation B is about the infinities completely within a finite endresult.
The combination of A and B teaches us that situation B relates to our reality where an impossibility manifests itself as possible.
And that is what most professors in mathematics always forget to mention. Because if they teach according to the truth. That our reality reveals a possible impossibility, they would also have to check the impossibility called an evil almighty cat and mouse player who one day will go evil all the way without putting himself in a court with himself as the almighty judge. Because that's too funky for professors in mathematics and then they wouldn't be able to teach anymore while they prefer to hold on to their job so that they can collect their paycheck.
The teachings of most professors mathematics in relationship to their paycheck:
It's not because reality obviously shows that something can be done and that most find it incredible that it is an impossibility that manifests itself as possible.
It's just reality that is obviously showing all the possible things that have nothing to do with the impossible.